Volume 2: Around the World - Mathematics Investigations

Sale price $8.50

Volume 2: Mathematics Investigations - Around the World

 This set of 7 mathematics investigations are based on 'Around the World'. Students are encouraged to choose a topic of interest that is designed to extend and challenge their abilities. Students engage with sustained exploration of mathematical concepts, where they are encouraged to increase their mathematically fluency and engage their reasoning skills. This task card set includes:

  • activities to extend breadth of knowledge.
  • challenging and abstract topics.
  • extension activities for all task cards.
  • an emphasis on student interest through choice and voice. 

Task cards to assist with 'Around the World' include:

  • Australian Football League (AFL - Australia)
  • Hmong People (Southeast Asia)
  • 1 World, 1 Million (Our Population)
  • Pi Cycle (The Bicycle)
  • Ready, Set, Go (The Speed of Sound and Light)
  • COVID Clusters (COVID-19)
  • Choice and Voice card - students can choose an area of interest

How to complete a mathematics investigation:

  • encourage research
  • allow students to choose their end product (a popular end product is displaying all information on as single A3 piece of paper)
  • negotiate a time frame for completion
  • as the teacher, your role is to guide, monitor and direct

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Breanna Moller

Volume 2: Around the World - Mathematics Investigations

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