Comparing Benchmark Fractions
Help students build an understanding of fractions with this digital download focused on comparing benchmark fractions. This engaging resource includes 4 differentiated mats designed to meet a range of learning levels, allowing students to develop confidence as they compare fractions using familiar benchmarks.
This resource includes a set of fraction cards, perfect for engaging students in a hands-on manner. Whether used for independent practice, small group work, or a math centre activity, this download helps students strengthen their fraction sense in an enjoyable and visual way. Ideal for Year 3 to Year 6 students.
What's included? (full colour and black and white options)
- Mat 1: Compare fractions that are less than 1/2, equal to 1/2, or greater than 1/2.
- Mat 2: Compare fractions that are less than 5/10, equal to 5/10, or greater than 5/10.
- Mat 3: Compare fractions that are less than 4/6, equal to two-thirds, or greater than 8/12.
Mat 4: open-ended (choose your own benchmark fractions)
- equivalent fraction benchmark cards
Format: PDF