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x Pete Cromer | Australian Artist Collaboration

The Insect Life Collection


A Gifted and Talented Teacher Original

The Woodlands Range

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Sparking creativity. Igniting curiosity. Fostering a love of learning.

Hi, I'm Sarah

Better known for translating evidence based approaches into clean and clear teaching resources. With an experience across the ages, GTT supports a differentiated approach to learning opportunities. Explore a variety of GTT hubs to complement your very own journey. Fall back on kindness. Embrace uncertainty. Get ready to inject flexible resources in a fluid and ever changing profession.


M. Nova

Fantastic Resource

My classroom displays are complete! Thank you for such a gorgeous, simple and editable resource. It looks great on black backing!!


Game Changer - Digital Assessment Book

So handy to have on my device as I’m running a lesson. Colour coding is good. Love that I could change it to suit my needs. I thought I liked the printed version… until now!

S. K

Shape Transformation Posters

Thank you Sarah. You continue to create resources that are clear, concise and a complement to the learning. There is nothing out there quite like your resources!!

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