Paragraph Structure - Brights
This editable resource includes a breakdown of the acronyms: PEEL, TEEL and OREO. These acronyms support students in writing effective paragraphs to ensure they are making a solid point, providing examples and reasons, whilst explaining their thinking and summarising an argument.
- TEEL: topic, example, explain, link
- TEEL: topic, explain, example, link
- PEEL: point, example, explain, link
- PEEL: point, explain, example, link
- OREO: opinion, reasons, examples, opinion
What's included?
- TEEL | PEEL | OREO example paragraph: highlighted paragraph, unhighlighted paragraph and the opportunity to co-construct a paragraph as a class.
How to use this resource (suggested):
- Guide students to co-construct a paragraph (editable slide).
- Guide students to highlight each part of the paragraph as a class.
- Students construct their own paragraph based on the correct paragraph structure. Ask a friend to highlight the text based on the correct paragraph structure.
Format: PowerPoint

Paragraph Structure - Brights
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