Measurement and Space

The branch of mathematics that concerns shapes, objects, space - and all that is beyond and in between.

Calculate and convert with these ready-to-go and easy to use teaching resources.


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34 products

Precise Time - o’clockPrecise Time - o’clock
Sale price$3.10
Precise Time - fifteen minutes past the hourPrecise Time - fifteen minutes past the hour
Precise Time - thirty minutes past the hourPrecise Time - thirty minutes past the hour
Precise Time - forty-five minutes past the hourPrecise Time - forty-five minutes past the hour
Relative Time - 'quarter past' the hourRelative Time - 'quarter past' the hour
Sale price$3.10
Relative Time - 'half past' the hourRelative Time - 'half past' the hour
Sale price$3.10
Relative Time - 'quarter to' the hourRelative Time - 'quarter to' the hour
Sale price$3.10
Length Match Cards: m to kmLength Match Cards: m to km
Sale price$2.20
Length Match Cards: cm to mLength Match Cards: cm to m
Sale price$2.20
Length Match Cards: mm to cmLength Match Cards: mm to cm
Sale price$2.20
Save $2.40
Length Match Cards: BundleLength Match Cards: Bundle
Sale price$4.20 Regular price$6.60
Rotational Symmetry ActivityRotational Symmetry Activity
Sale price$3.20
Rotational Symmetry Lesson Sequence | SpaceRotational Symmetry Lesson Sequence | Space
Symmetry and Rotational Symmetry Slides
Sale price$4.20
Save $5.60
Rotational Symmetry Bundle | SpaceRotational Symmetry Bundle | Space
Sale price$9.20 Regular price$14.80
Symmetrical Patterns ActivitySymmetrical Patterns Activity
Sale price$2.20
Mandala Rotational Symmetry Activity
Sale price$4.20
Tessellation and Symmetry Task Cards - ActivityTessellation and Symmetry Task Cards - Activity
Draw the Angle: AnglesDraw the Angle: Angles
Sale price$3.90
Angles: Estimate and MeasureAngles: Estimate and Measure
Sale price$4.50
Measure and Record: AnglesMeasure and Record: Angles
Sale price$3.90
Measuring an angle: using a protractor - Teacher SlidesMeasuring an angle: using a protractor - Teacher Slides
Measuring an angle: using a protractor - Student ActivityMeasuring an angle: using a protractor - Student Activity
Measuring an angle: using a protractor - Lesson SequenceMeasuring an angle: using a protractor - Lesson Sequence

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