Evaluating Sources Teacher Slides | Responding to Literature

Sale price $3.00

These editable teacher slides explore text validity based on currency, author, authority, accuracy and purpose (as well as information on the acronym CRAAP and who/what/when/where/how?). These teacher slides support students to understand how one is able to assess the validity and reliability of a given website, to determine its suitability for reference and use.

What's included - can be used with any text:

  • Editable: Source Reliability and Validity Teacher Slides

V9 Australian Curriculum Aligned - Year 5

  • understand how to move beyond making bare assertions by taking account of differing ideas or opinions and authoritative sources AC9E5LA02

NSW Stage 3 Syllabus Aligned

  • Use criteria to determine the accuracy and reliability of sourced information
  • Compare the reliability and validity of texts to make judgements about their authority
  • Assess the reliability and authority of sources, including digital sources, when researching and acknowledging texts

Part of this program aligns to the Stage 3 syllabus, attribution should be given to © State of New South Wales (Department of Education), 2023.

This resource is best used with the coinciding bundle of resources:
Evaluating Sources | Source Reliability and Validity Activity
Evaluating Sources | Source Reliability and Validity Learning Sequence

Format: PowerPoint 

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