Multisyllabic Words Activities | Vocabulary

Sale price $4.20

These activities explore multisyllabic words and give students the tools to decode words and make meaning from new vocabulary.

Differentiation has been included to support students, as well as extend students through the process of identifying reliable and valid websites.

What's included - can be used with any text:

  • Differentiated word maps
  • Multisyllabic Word Investigation
  • Identify Multisyllabic words and Syllabify 

V9 Australian Curriculum Aligned - Year 4

  • understand how to use and apply phonological and morphological knowledge to read and write multisyllabic words with more complex letter combinations, including a variety of vowel sounds and known prefixes and suffixes (AC9E4LY09)

NSW Stage 2 Syllabus Aligned: Focus Area: Spelling (EN2-SPELL-01)

  • Content Group: Phonological component - Explain how to segment multisyllabic words into syllables and phonemes, and apply this knowledge when spelling

Part of this program aligns to the Stage 3 syllabus, attribution should be given to © State of New South Wales (Department of Education), 2023.

Format: PowerPoint 

This resource is best used with the coinciding bundle of resources:
Evaluating Sources | Source Reliability and Validity Teacher Slides
Evaluating Sources | Source Reliability and Validity Learning Sequence

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