The 20 Day Kindness Challenge

Sale price FREE

The 20 Day Kindness Day Challenge is an original resource created by Gifted and Talented Teacher. This challenge promotes a culture of kindness in the classroom for learners and teachers.

Participate in 20 simple acts of kindness and see just how easy it is to make waves and move mountains. Create a culture of kindness today.

Kindness is free - it doesn't discriminate just like this freebie!

Made in collaboration with @bowlerbeardesigns on Instagram

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Emily Hopkins

The 20 Day Kindness Challenge: FREEBIE

Bronwyn Sarles
Kindness is Free

A wonderful resource and I am looking forward to using with my class in the lead up to Christmas.

Laura Wattam

The 20 Day Kindness Challenge: 2021 - FREEBIE

Rieka Ago
The 20 Day Kindness Challenge: 2021 - FREEBIE

Beautifully presented and easy to follow.

Jessica Brown
Kindness Challenge

My class came into it without any real thoughts about others or their feelings and came out of the challenge looking after each other and making others feel good. A great resource for teaching students the value of kindness and how easy it is to put into practise.

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