Imaginative Writing

Ignite a passion for creative writing in your classroom space.

These downloads support the learner to understand the art of writing freely, openly and creatively. 


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8 products

Figurative Language: Matching Game - Gifted and Talented TeacherFigurative Language: Matching Game - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Figurative Language: Posters and Cards - Gifted and Talented TeacherFigurative Language: Posters and Cards - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$3.50
Imaginative Writing Pack - Gifted and Talented TeacherImaginative Writing Pack - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$6.50
Imaginative Writing: Examples, Wall Display and Assessment Criteria [Editable] - Gifted and Talented TeacherImaginative Writing: Examples, Wall Display and Assessment Criteria [Editable] - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Practise Writing: Descriptive Language - Gifted and Talented TeacherPractise Writing: Descriptive Language - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Practise Writing: Sentence Structure - Gifted and Talented TeacherPractise Writing: Sentence Structure - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Save $7.00
Imaginative, Persuasive and Informative Writing Pencil: BUNDLE - Gifted and Talented TeacherImaginative, Persuasive and Informative Writing Pencil: BUNDLE - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$12.50 Regular price$19.50
Save $3.50
Figurative Language: Bundle - Gifted and Talented TeacherFigurative Language: Bundle - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$5.50 Regular price$9.00

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