Persuasive Writing

Build strong arguments and gain authority through written texts.

These downloads support the learner to understand the art of persuasion and structure a range of texts using supports such as anchor charts and scaffolding.


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20 products

PEEL Paragraph Structure Teacher Slides | Persuasive PurposesPEEL Paragraph Structure Teacher Slides | Persuasive Purposes
PEEL Paragraph Structure TemplatePEEL Paragraph Structure Template
Sale price$2.80
PEEL Paragraph Structure Lesson Sequence | Persuasive PurposesPEEL Paragraph Structure Lesson Sequence | Persuasive Purposes
Save $5.30
PEEL Paragraph Structure Bundle | Persuasive PurposesPEEL Paragraph Structure Bundle | Persuasive Purposes
Sale price$7.20 Regular price$12.50
PEEL Paragraph Structure Posters | Persuasive PurposesPEEL Paragraph Structure Posters | Persuasive Purposes
PEEL Paragraph Structure Activity | Persuasive PurposesPEEL Paragraph Structure Activity | Persuasive Purposes
Persuasive Devices: AFORESTPersuasive Devices: AFOREST
Sale price$3.40
Persuasive Writing Bookmark - Gifted and Talented TeacherPersuasive Writing Bookmark - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$2.50
Persuasive Writing Pack - Gifted and Talented TeacherPersuasive Writing Pack - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$6.50
Save $7.00
Imaginative, Persuasive and Informative Writing Pencil: BUNDLE - Gifted and Talented TeacherImaginative, Persuasive and Informative Writing Pencil: BUNDLE - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$12.50 Regular price$19.50
Persuasive Writing Pencil: Examples, Wall Display and Assessment Criteria [Editable] - Gifted and Talented TeacherPersuasive Writing Pencil: Examples, Wall Display and Assessment Criteria [Editable]
Paragraph Structure - BrightsParagraph Structure - Brights
Sale price$2.90
Paragraph Structure - Leafy GreenParagraph Structure - Leafy Green
Paragraph Structure - Balmy BohoParagraph Structure - Balmy Boho
Persuasive Paragraph Structure: PEEL | TEEL | OREO - Gifted and Talented TeacherPersuasive Paragraph Structure: PEEL | TEEL | OREO
Save $4.50
Paragraph Writing: Bundle - Gifted and Talented TeacherParagraph Writing: Bundle - Gifted and Talented Teacher
Sale price$9.50 Regular price$14.00
Paragraph Structure Brights - Anchor ChartParagraph Structure Brights - Anchor Chart
Sale price$3.40
Paragraph Structure Leafy Green - Anchor ChartParagraph Structure Leafy Green - Anchor Chart
Paragraph Structure Balmy Boho - Anchor ChartParagraph Structure Balmy Boho - Anchor Chart
Words of Modality: High, Medium and Low - Gifted and Talented TeacherWords of Modality: High, Medium and Low - Gifted and Talented Teacher

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